Area:   3.500 sqft

Status:   Finished

Client:   Vannucci Chile LLP.

Team:   Julio Alvarez, Christian Astete, Mauricio Garrido

Description:   The privacy v/s exhibition double condition pointed out the main drivers for the project. In a way, for this Italian restaurant located in a high end retail district in Santiago ( Nueva Costanera, Vitacura) , the notion of negotiation between the vibrant interior and the storefronts around fixed the strategy. This kind of interlocked block which at times is windows, and on other times is a solid PietraSerena wall. The broken façade allows for the Image of this building to switch shadings and transparency, thus achieving three very different aspects from day through night. The life appears at night, when the up-facing glass does not reflect the sky, and by contrast allow the interior to be portraitedas another live storefront.